A New Beginning

By Caleb Martin, Class of 2025

To start a journey, one must first be willing to leave. To leave the comfort and safety of home and risk the unknown of what is beyond. To leave friends and family, and move to a new city and into a house of strangers. To leave college, a place of independence and fun, to be replaced by a job and learning what “adulting” really means. In a time when so much seems to be left behind and there’s much uncertainty of what’s to come, I am reminded of a line from A Liturgy for Leavings from Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey:

“Thank you, O God, that we do not walk this road alone, but that this journey toward eternity and toward your heart has been, from the beginning, one that you ordained we should undertake in the glad and good company of our fellow pilgrims.”

The use of pilgrim is captivating in that line. A pilgrim is defined as “one who journeys in foreign lands” (Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary). It is not until the pilgrim or journeyman finds value in what is ahead or the company of those who join him on his journey, that he is willing to leave his haven for what is next. This reminder of the ordained journey comforts me. Who better to accompany me on my next adventure than five other wonderful fellow pilgrims (plus Kathryn, Connor, my mentor, host family, and great community of alumni)!

Walking into orientation, I think we (my fellow fellows and myself) all felt anxious and nervous about the newness of the Fellows program and what it would entail this year. So much ahead feels like a mystery, but it is something that we as Fellows get to take on together. Already, we have been able to visit two non-profit organizations and look for ways to get outside of ourselves and serve the community. In addition, we get to have weekly meals together where we take turns cooking for each other and share the highs and lows of the week while encouraging and uplifting one another. We’ve gotten to enter into the lives of others who have bravely chosen to be vulnerable and share their stories of God’s faithfulness. By myself, all of this would be quite daunting. But it has become easier and exciting, for I am not alone in this new beginning.

Although I think of the past now and then, I am excited about where our journey together will take us. It is only the beginning, and the Lord has already done so much for us - individually and collectively!